
Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The Tampa Bay Rays weren't around in 1992, so at first the headline "Vanilla Ice to Perform After Rays Game" confused me. Now I understand: Vanilla Ice is going to perform after a Rays-Indians game IN 2010.

July 9 is when the magic happens.

"Tampa baby, Tampa."

I have a handful of questions:

1. Will there be Rob Van Winkle bobbleheads?
2. Do you think he'll play Juice to Get Loose Boy?
3. Was Brian Austin Green not available?


  1. As Brian Austin Green's agent, I can most certainly say he was not available. We've been in a bunker for months trying to figure out how he got Vanessa Marcil to sleep with him. I admit, I'm not as good an agent as Steve Sanders.

  2. Brian Austin GreenJune 16, 2010 at 1:15 PM

    Trust me, I'm available.
